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Executive coach of the year

SMEs Coaching Excellence Award

Recognizing SMEs that prioritize employee development and coaching to drive organizational excellence

Note: Small-to-midsize organizations are those companies with 500 or fewer employees.

Why Apply?

The SMEs Coaching Excellence Award provides a unique opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises to showcase their success in implementing coaching culture and style within their organizations. By attending this prestigious event, SMEs will have the chance to gain recognition for their hard work and dedication in developing a coaching culture, improving employee engagement and job satisfaction, and ultimately enhancing their business performance. The award ceremony also offers an excellent platform for SMEs to network with like-minded professionals, share best practices, and learn from other successful organizations. Additionally, the exposure gained from winning or even being nominated for the award can lead to increased visibility and credibility within the industry, ultimately benefiting the SMEs bottom line. So don’t miss out on this opportunity to celebrate your success, share your expertise, and join a community of thriving SMEs. Apply now for the SMEs Coaching Excellence Award and let your coaching culture shine.

* Please note that only small-to-midsize organizations with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to participate in this award category

Young Coach of the Year

Gain recognition

Global Coaching Excellence Awards
Young Coach of the Year

Global exposure

Young Coach of the Year
Global Coaching Excellence Awards

Celebrate achievements

Global Coaching Excellence Awards
Young Coach of the Year

Retain knowledge workers

Young Coach of the Year
Global Coaching Excellence Awards

Networking opportunities

Global Coaching Excellence Awards
Young Coach of the Year

Motivate growth

Global Coaching Excellence Awards
Young Coach of the Year

Learn from experts

Global Coaching Excellence Awards
Young Coach of the Year

Boost performance

The Application Process

The application process for the Global SMEs Coaching Excellence Award is straightforward and rigorous. Candidates are required to submit an application that showcases how they have implemented coaching culture and style within their organizations. The candidates will be assessed using the Coaching Excellence Model™, a rigorous evaluation system that assesses coaching culture and leading style within organizations. The model evaluates various aspects of coaching excellence, including leadership support, the effectiveness of coaching interventions, and the impact of coaching on employee performance and satisfaction. The winners of the domestic level awards then move on to the regional level, where they compete against other winners from neighboring countries. The regional-level winners are then automatically considered for the global level, where they compete against winner organizations from all over the world. The winners of each level are awarded in their respective countries, regions, and at the global level. This multi-level approach ensures that the best and brightest are recognized for their accomplishments and inspires others to strive for excellence.

Submit the application

Deadline: 1 Sep 2024

Gather evidence of coaching achievements, review the application documents, and submit them before the deadline.

Receive the notification

20 Sep – 1 Dec 2024

After submitting your application, wait for the notifications from the judges for each level of the award: domestic, regional, and global.

Receive feedback report

Deadline: 1 Feb 2025

After the judges’ decision, you will receive a feedback report with valuable suggestions for improving your coaching practice, whether or not you receive an award.

Apply Today!

Ready to showcase your coaching excellence?

time is running out

Get global recognition with the SME’s Coaching Excellence Award

Global Coaching Excellence Individual Awards

The Global Coaching Excellence Individual Awards honor exceptional young coaches, life coaches, Business coaches, and executive coaches who have made a significant impact on the industry through their leadership, expertise, and innovation.

Global Coaching Excellence Organizational Awards

The Global Coaching Excellence Organizational Awards recognize SMEs and large-sized organizations that have set the standard for excellence in coaching through their commitment to developing coaches and implementing innovative coaching programs.

Global Coaching Excellence Research Awards

The Global Coaching Excellence Research Awards celebrate outstanding dissertations and research that advances the knowledge and understanding of coaching and has the potential to shape the future of the industry.

Let’s Boost Your Coaching
Competencies and Business

Learn More About Coaching Excellence Awards